
Guess Number (Game Project)

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Calculators: Casio fx-9750GIII, Casio fx-9860G Slim, Casio fx-9860GII SD, Casio fx-9860GII SD Power Graphic 2, Casio fx-CG20, Casio fx-CG50

Guess Number (Game Project)

Postby CalcLoverHK » Sun Aug 18, 2019 5:11 am

Welcome to Guess Number Game Project

Guess Number is a number-guess puzzle game for single player. The official version for fx-5800P and fx-7400GII/9750GII/9860G series/CG series is available. There are two types of gamemode for player to choose. Besides, there are also a list of settings for player to customize the gameplay.

This thread is for fx-7400GII/9750GII/9860G series/CG series only. For those who is fx-5800P user, please go to instead.

The following guide uses the default settings. Your personal settings may make the gameplay slightly different from default one.

Quick Guide: Show
When starting the game:
Change the position of cursor by pressing [UP] or [DOWN] to let it point to the option you want to enter. Then press [EXE] to choose that option.

1. Choose "New game" to start a new game. It will show the gamemodes selection menu. (Note: The defination of menu here is a selection screen that the option is colour-inverted when chosen.)
Press [1] to leave the menu.
Press [2] to play Bulls and Cows gamemode.
Press [3] to play Range gamemode.

If you have previous progress, then it will show a message before showing the gamemode selection menu:
Press [1] if you want to restart a new progress.
Press [zero] to undo.

2. Choose "Continue" to continue your saved progress.
If you do not have any progress, then the "Continue" option is equivalent to "New game".

3. Choose "Settings" to enter the settings menu:
(Page 1)
Press [UP] or [DOWN] to switch the option you want to adjust.
Keep pressing [DOWN] to switch to next page.
Press [DEL] to change the option's value. Then type your favorite value. Confirm the value by pressing [EXE].
ress ◀ to leave the configurations UI.

(Page 2)
For True/False options, press [EXE] to change the option.
Keep pressing [UP] to switch to previous page.
Press ◀ to leave the configurations UI.

4. Choose "Quit" to save in backup and leave the game.

Gameplay: Show
  • Bulls and Cows

Program will pick 4 non-repeated integers from 0 to 9 and combine them into a 4-digit number. Then, screen will show remaining moves, input, A value and B value. A represents "Bulls" (both number and place are correct) and B represents "Cows" (number is correct, place is wrong). Player needs to guess the key and investigate the hints provided by the program within moves to win the game. If player uses up the moves, player fails.

Program generates a 4-digit number: 5308
In-game screen:
You must type 4 non-repeated numbers and press [EXE] again to input numbers.

If your guess is 1234, then result is:
Your guess has: 1 number is correct, but place is wrong.

Move on, if your guess is 5678, then result is:
Your guess has: 2 numbers and places are correct.

To win, guess the key within moves.

  • Range

Program will randomly choose a number from minimum range to maximum range. Similar to Bulls and Cows, screen will show your remaining moves, input area, A value and B value. A represent minimum range and B represent maximum range. Player needs to guess the key provided by the program within moves to win game.

Program picks a number from 1 to 100: 68
In-game screen:
Input the number which must be between A value and B value.

When input=58:
As input<key, input→A.

Move on, when input=70:
As input>key, input→B.

To win, guess the key within the moves.

  • Paused menu

Press [MENU] key to pause the game and show the paused menu:
Press [1] to resume the game.
Press [2] to save the progress and back to main menu.
Press [3] to give up. "Are you sure?" confirm menu (instructions see sbove) will be shown.

Press [4] to show the history records#3.
Up to 999 records can be stored. 5 records can be shown at once.
M represents your no.M trial.
Value represents the input you entered.
A and B (only in Bulls and Cows gamemodes) represents "Bulls" and "Cows"
In Range gamemode, "A B" will not be shown.
Press [UP] or [DOWN] to scroll the records.
Press ◀ to leave this page.

If you disabled the records, then it will show:

  • Post-gameplay

When you win or lost, you will receive a result of your gameplay.
If win:
If lost:
If gave up:

Settings: Show
  • Move limit
Default setting: 10
Setting range: Unlimited, integer
Usage: To change the starting remaining moves.

  • Range settings
Default settings:
Minimum range: 1
Maximum range: 100
Setting range (all): Unlimited, integer, max.-min.>1
Usage: To change the starting minimum and maximum range.

  • Disable repeated number
Default setting: True
Setting range: True, False
Usage: To enable/disable repeated number in Bulls and Cows.

  • Enable records
Default setting: True
Setting range: True, False
Usage: To enable/disable records.

  • Amount of integers to guess
Default setting: 4
Setting range: 4-10
Usage: To set the amount of integers to guess in Bulls and Cows gamemode.

External links
Instructions & Tutorials thread in UCF
Updates & Bug Reports thread in UCF
Guess Number versions folder

~ Have fun! ~

Guess Number (2019) by CalcLoverHK. All rights reserved.
ImgBB icon or are the trademarks of their respective owners.
All materials, products, programs, supporting documents and services are provided as is, with no warranties and guarantees whatsoever.
Prohibit reproduce without permission.
If you wish to modify this game, please contact its creator to get permisson and indicate the source if authorized. Thanks a lot for understanding!
Last edited by CalcLoverHK on Wed Sep 04, 2019 9:30 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Calculators: Casio fx-9750GIII, Casio fx-9860G Slim, Casio fx-9860GII SD, Casio fx-9860GII SD Power Graphic 2, Casio fx-CG20, Casio fx-CG50

Re: Guess Number (Game Project)

Postby CalcLoverHK » Sun Aug 18, 2019 5:16 am

Hi everyone!

This thread is currently in developing and some BBcodes worked incorrectly as of now. So please be patient to wait me to finish the tutorial. Thanks! :D

And one more thing, the main post (#1) will be used as instructions and the following will be used for updates and annoucements.

Thanks for reading.

Best regards,
Last edited by CalcLoverHK on Fri Sep 06, 2019 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Location: Hong Kong, China
Calculators: Casio fx-9750GIII, Casio fx-9860G Slim, Casio fx-9860GII SD, Casio fx-9860GII SD Power Graphic 2, Casio fx-CG20, Casio fx-CG50

Re: Guess Number (Game Project)

Postby CalcLoverHK » Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:10 pm

Tutorial for identifying a version

GN stands for Guess Number.
The first three x stand for version of Guess Number. (e.g. version 1.0.0→100)
The following x stand for varient of version.
  • R→Regular (Casio Basic)
  • C→Designed for C.Basic
  • Numbers→Builds
C can combined with numbers to indicates that this C.Basic version is a build. (Currently C.Basic Demo is considered C only.)

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Location: Hong Kong, China
Calculators: Casio fx-9750GIII, Casio fx-9860G Slim, Casio fx-9860GII SD, Casio fx-9860GII SD Power Graphic 2, Casio fx-CG20, Casio fx-CG50

Re: Guess Number (Game Project)

Postby CalcLoverHK » Fri Sep 06, 2019 4:15 pm

Dear community,

Guess Number version 1.0.3 has been added in downloads section. You can now download here directly. But beware that the update speed is slower than UCF. If you would like to have more new things and don't mind about bugs, you can go to Guess Number Updates & Bug Reports in UCF. link is above the #1 post.

Hope you enjoy!


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