
What would benefit prizm programmers and users?

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What would benefit prizm programmers and users?

Postby ProgrammerNerd » Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:34 pm

I have noticed that prizm development overall appears to be infrequent and comprised of a few developers and is not something that is done as much as, say TI calculator development at-least the ones were TI somewhat lets you control the device you purchased. I understand that they have a larger market share (not due to technical superiority) but I am still surprised in the lack of prizm development as, (I find anyways) that it is an easy platform to develop for. So I am wondering what do prizm developers want? Already we have good documentation on the prizm wiki, example code, libfxcg which is getting better almost on a daily basis and GCC support the sh4 target so it is easy to compile programs. I am wondering if there are any prizm users here who would have liked to make a prizm program but had issues doing such? These issues may have since been resolved or be something that I can resolve. I can say right now that after I do some smaller projects for the prizm I plan to work on a larger project. I think it will be a port of TuxMath but I am not sure if that is the right direction to take. I want to make something that will make a large positive impact on the community and I am not sure what to do. I am wondering what will really bring interest in the platform. I wonder what do the prizm users want to see?

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Re: What would benefit prizm programmers and users?

Postby njdowrick » Sun Oct 12, 2014 5:40 pm

I used to write a few programs for the 9860 series using the Casio SDK. When I got a Prizm (a few years ago now) I tried to do the same thing. I downloaded the community-provided SDK, PrizmSDK 0.3 and managed to compile some code with it. But there were bugs - lots of maths functions didn't work and neither did sprintf. I looked around for updates but didn't find any; neither did I find a bug list. In the end I gave up.

Clearly there is now a working SDK but I don't know how to find it. A google search for Casio Prizm SDK takes me to the Prizm SDK setup guide; that brings me to the Prizm Programming Portal; there I find a link to v0.3 of the SDK with a statement that it is now out of date, with a link back to the Prizm SDK setup page for more up-to-date files . . . and so around in a circle.

I'm not complaining about this, simply suggesting why people of limited expertise who could cope with Casio's old SDK might not have moved on to the Prism. I don't really see how to get started!

Hope this helps.

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Re: What would benefit prizm programmers and users?

Postby gbl08ma » Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:57 pm

There isn't a new SDK, only libfxcg has been much improved, but you'll have to build it yourself and cross-compile GCC yourself (and I think that Windows support is being phased out for the future SDK). There isn't exactly an archive you only need to decompress as with the PrizmSDK 0.3, and I think there will never be. I think I saw posts at Cemetech indicating people were moving to Docker containers and the like, but obviously you can get it all working on Linux without touching Docker or anything of its kind.

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Re: What would benefit prizm programmers and users?

Postby njdowrick » Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:23 pm

Thank you for this: now I know what I should be trying to do. I shall be quite happy to leave Windows behind. Maybe I'll get somewhere at last!

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